
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Florida Retreat

Retreat usually sounds like something fun and relaxing. Well, not this time. All I got a retreat from was work. Other than that, it was exhausting.

Donovan and I left for Florida right after work on Thursday. He drove the whole way while I was "super comfy" in the back of my car. I'm talking a padded mattress cover, three pillows, a blanket and one adorable stuffed puppy dog. As far as I know the trip there took like 30 minutes, lol. However that's where the comfy ended. We stayed at Chez Smith, where it's always warmer inside his parents house than outside. It doesn't matter how, but you'll always be cooler once you walk out the door. We woke up Friday early so we could get to my sisters house in time to clean out the extra bedroom that has been home to all the stuff I left behind. It took us about 4 hours to clean it all out, but for the most part, I think we got it all. After that, we went back and visited some friends of Donovans and then got ready for dinner that night with my mom. She took us to Carrabba's. YUMMY! And that's where the fun stopped and the misery began. I went to bed excited for the shopping that would ensue in the morning, only to wake with a headache, sore throat and achey muscles. I still pushed on, I mean it was shopping right? But as the day kept on, things just got worse. Finally, I just had to go. Donovan and I went to Target for Chad and Julie's Wedding present, and some medicine for me. And after I took it, I started to feel human again. Thankfully, the medecine lasted long enough for me to enjoy the wedding and most of the ceremony. But at about 10 I was feeling horrible again. Feverish and headachey, we went back to the hot humid house we were staying at. I slept barely and did not look forward to the breakfast that Sunday morning brought or the 8 hour car drive home. WHICH I was NOT super comfy this time, since it was full of things we were bringing back to NC. I did survive, but Sunday night brought a horrible cough and I so Monday morning, Donovan took me to the Doctors and he basically told me "deal with it" And now, here I am, Thursday, coughing, sore throat, headache and muscles hurting everytime I cough that it's a double whammy! It's so frustrating too, since I can't work, and the money would be nice. Since we just spent a fortune on gas! *cough cough cough* Anyway, it's fitting. The last wedding <> I went to, I had bronchitis. So I guess I'll be sick again for my sister's wedding in December. Fun!

Anwyay, time to go take my medecines...yum