
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Randomness

On facebook I posted a note of 25 random things about me. I was just going to copy/paste that into my blog, but had so much fun doing it that I thought I'll just come up with 25 more things. Won't be that hard, will it? Besides, reading other people's reminded me of things about me. So here goes, and who knows, I might end up with more than 25!

1. I hate bellybuttons, especially my own. I don't want anything to touch it, come near it, and just thinking about it grosses me out and makes we want to cry. Donovan thinks it's funny and sticks random things in his own..which is disgusting.

2. I love cheese. Pizza is my favorite way to consume it. When I go to subway I totally negate anything healthy about it by making sure they put extra cheese on there. I love Moe's and Chipotle because when they make tacos they just reach in there and put a HUGE pile of cheese makes me happy!

3. I believe I will be a very strict parent and often fear that I will be overly strict and sap any fun out of childhood.

4. I used to eat Ice Cream after almost every meal. But one night I got sick after dinner and threw up, ever since then I haven't touched ice cream and now it kinda makes me sick to my stomach.

5. I feel like sleep is a waste of time and somewhat weird. I don't like knowing that I'm in total unawareness for almost 8 hours. It really bothers me and wish I could just stay up and not waste so much life doing nothing.

6. I was a perfect angel as a child. No joke. My mom says she was constantly amazed at how I seemed to exhibit remorse and guilt at such a young age and she could take naps while I was awake without worrying about me at all. I would be in the same place she left me. I remember watching my older siblings get in trouble and thinking that I didn't want to be like that.

7. I used to think flushing the toilet evoked the spirit of Bloody Mary. So after using the restroom, I would stand as close to the door as I could while still being able to flush the toilet and then flush and run as fast as I could without looking into the mirror. Every now and then I still feel a little nervous, lol

8. Speaking of bathrooms, I'm terrified of using the bathroom at a theater in the middle of a movie when they're quiet and empty. I always feel like someone's hiding in one of the stalls and as soon as I shut the door they're going to come after me.

9. Obviously, I'm extremely weird.

10. I once made a joke in youth group that whenever I wanted to talk to someone and I was at home that I would just talk to the wall and pretend it was that person. So one night, when the youth was at my house, they came in my room and wrote their names all over my walls so that when I wanted to talk to them, I would look at that spot. My youth leader wrote his name on the ceiling, haha.

11. I used to listen to the Aladin and Beauty and the Beast soundtracks in my room and make up dances to all the songs and mouth the dialogue parts.

12. I have very strange dreams. The weirdest being a reoccuring dream I had when I was really young. It started out as my siblings and I at Turkey Lake Park. We were told we weren't allowed to slide on the slides at the park because a witch would capture us. We did it anyway and sure enough we were captured. However all my siblings escaped her jail except me. So I made a run for it. She followed me and she turned into this ball of light floating behind me. As I ran I turned down a street of a residential area and saw a mailman. Every time in my dream I would debate whether it would be faster to hitch a ride with him or to continue running. I always ended up running. I turned the last bend and realized it was a dead end. My house was on the right up a steep driveway and a huge white house. That was the end of the dream. A few years later *in real life* My family moved to a large white house on a cul-de-sac that had a steep driveway that me and my siblings liked to ride our bikes down. It wasn't until about two years of being there that one night I sat up in bed and realized it was like the dream. I think it's pretty cool.

13. I used to believe that Mr. Potato Head was like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny and that he really existed.

14. I still kinda like playing with Barbies.

15. When people see items of clothing for outrageous prices and comment saying "Even if I DID have that much money, I would never spend that much on a ______!", I always roll my eyes. First they don't know. They've never had that much money so they can't accurately make that statement. Secondly, I'm not one of those people. I know full well that I would spend that much and love every second of it.

16. I read the dictionary, for fun. And love reading books about the evolution of words and love reading clever uses of the english language.

17. I think word searches are lame.

18. Orange is my favorite color.

19. I love songs that can make me cry.

20. I've known my husband or rather, known of him, since about middle school. We lived in the same apartment complex for over two years and rode the bus together on and off for about three. I even sat next to him sometimes and even talked to him a little bit. We never hung out outside of that. It took a website to bring us back together. I'm constantly amazed at how I could sit next to him for years, talk to him, and look him in the eye and never know he was my soul mate.

21. I'm terrified of having a daughter. I will not know how to relate to her and I'm convinced she'll grow to hate me.

22. I'm pretty much scared of all animals. I don't believe we should ever bring any animal into our homes, it just creates problems.

23. I have the most pet peeves in the whole world. That will have to be a different list.

24. I used to be the most sarcastic person. It took someone telling me that "if you poke people with sticks they'll stop coming around" for me to realize that it's not always funny and words can hurt. I've since then tried to cut down and be nicer.

25. I had a crush on almost every boy to ever walk through the doors at my old church. But I only thought about marrying 5, lol

26. Russell Crowe, Matthew Perry, Noah Wylie and Mario Lopez are like the hottest people EVER.

27. I wish I could have a wedding every year.

28. If I had the money, space and time, I would SO arrange my closet to resemble a retail store so I felt like I was shopping everytime I got dressed. Except I don't have to pay for things!

29. I love when the weather's perfect. When the sun's out, warming a cool day, with a slight breeze and blue skies with a few fluffly clouds. I always wish I had the perfect dress with a light sweater to wear and was sitting on a porch drinking lemonade and hanging out with family and friends. It's a picture in my head that I hope one day comes true. I'm stopping at 29. Just because I'm tired of typing.

Back to work :)



Carissa said...

#3 I used to be concerned about that as well. When that time comes, you're just too exhausted to be strict all the time. You learn to pick your battles and reinforce what is really important at that time in their lives. Plus, we all make mistakes, especially as parents!